The Fruits of the Spirit Give Victory Over Sin
When a person becomes a follower of Jesus, he or she is set free from sin. This is accomplished through the law of the Spirit of life. The Spirit is the power of God! It enables us to live a holy life and gives us victory over sin.
During a time of temptation, the first step to victory over sin is to confess your sins to God. You might want to look at your love for God and others.
Once you have admitted your sins, it is important to thank the Lord for covering them with His blood. Next, you need to get back into step with the Holy Spirit.
In order to fight the temptation of sin, you will have to take a new path. Doing so will bring you closer to the Lord. However, it is also important to remember your past.
Those who have never trusted in Christ are hopelessly trapped under the reign of sin. Sin is a powerful destroyer that brings about physical and spiritual death. Those who are redeemed have a glorious spiritual future; they have been set free from the power of sin and deaht. Therefore, it is important to remind yourself of your salvation and to live a life in submission to God's Holy Spirit.
To win over sin, you need to present yourself as a slave to righteousness. When you do this, you will begin to experience more righteousness and less impurity. A holy life is one that manifests the fruits of the Holy Spirit and will lead to more and more communion with the Lord.